I am sure many of us can look back over the course of our lives and identify several milestones that shaped who we are today. When you think about these milestones think about the adults that were there: a parent, a coach, a teacher, a trusted friend. Now imagine navigating those milestones without them: high school, college, the transition to adulthood. Scary huh? This is often the reality for young people in foster care. If you have ever considered becoming mentor, what has held you back? You don’t need any special skills, it doesn’t cost you anything or take much time. You just need to be you! There are countless young people who have aged out of foster care in our community that need that connection, that support, that one person that believes in them. So are you ready? Give us a call, we would love to help connect you with that young person. Mentoring relationships are a shared opportunity for learning and growth. Many of our mentors feel that they have gained more from the relationship than they ever imagined. #MentoringMonth
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Describing Joyce as busy is quite the understatement! She is a very active student at Montgomery County Community College, immersing herself in the community on campus. She is a Student Ambassador and the host of a successful campus radio show called "The Afternoon Groove." She was also in a recent dance showcase and spoke on a panel at orientation for new students. Joyce is completing the work for her associate degree this month. In the Spring, she will be starting at Temple University! She is already starting to get involved. She recently attended the ASEZ Student Leadership Summit.
Joyce is also a dedicated and loving mother who makes sure to share her desire to help other people with her two beautiful children. Joyce and her daughter recently participated in the International WeLoveU Foundation's walk to support relief efforts in Mozambique. Her son is excelling in school. He has surpassed his grade level in reading. Her daughter has also expressed an interest in following in her mother's dancing footsteps, having asked to start ballet this year. Joyce's former Rapid Rehousing Coach, with whom she worked for two years, shared these beautiful words: Joyce always worked so hard, often holding down two jobs while going to school full time. In spite of setbacks, she always was able to reevaluate her situation and make changes when necessary. She's a wonderful mother and is devoted to her children. They are always the first thing she worries about. She has risen from some very difficult circumstances to have confidence that she can make a better life for herself and her children, even if it's still a difficult road ahead. She has faced many challenges along the way but has always had the strength to rebound and find a way to make things work. She's also an active member of her church, which is an important part of her life, and devotes time to working with the youth there. |
July 2024